
  Don’t Believe Everything You Think A Path to Freedom from Suffering Introduction : Do your ideas rule your life? Joseph Nguyen contends in Don’t Believe Everything You Think that holding on to unfavorable ideas and beliefs is what causes our misery rather than outside circumstances. This book provides a helpful manual based on Buddhist teachings to assist you in developing inner peace and escaping negative thought patterns. Read more here :
The Psychology of Money Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness Introduction: Put away your complicated financial calculations and market forecasts. According to Morgan Housel’s book The Psychology of Money, conduct and perspective have a greater influence on financial success than information alone. The book examines the frequently emotional and illogical parts of our connection with money through a series of brief but thought-provoking chapters. You can create long-term wealth and make wiser financial decisions if you are aware of these psychological aspects.  Want to improve your financial independence and change your life for ever, click here now to listen for free. Read the full story here.

The Courage to Be Disliked: A Guide to Happiness Through Individual Psychology — A summary

In The Courage to Be Disliked, a young man and a philosopher have five talks that challenge preconceived ideas about happiness. Based on the theories of the pioneering psychologist Alfred Adler, the book makes the case that happiness is a decision rather than a destination. It encourages readers to accept who they are, live in the now, and accept accountability for their life. Click here now to transform your life for the better. Read more here